Daniel School


The Daniel School will train you in four significant and diverse topics to do with Christian faith and bring you further in your personal faith.
If you are between 17 and 27 years old, make sure, you don‘t miss it!


1/ The fundamentals of Christian faith
2/ Identity, New Creation, Mind Renewal & Character Building
3/ Understanding God‘s call for the nations
4/ Pick up your focus group study of 8 spheres of influence in the society


# One year course: each topic will be studied for 3 months

#two in-person sessions on two different weekends at Father‘s House for all Nations in Altenhohenau, Germany

    - the first live session is from 31.10. till 03.11.2024

    - the second session is in 2025 (exact time is later communicated)

# monthly Zoom meetings from 7pm to 9pm.

# The fee for the 6 month is 380€, including teaching fee + accomodation fee + meals for the first live session. So in total for one year its is going to be 2x 380€ = 760€.  

# The teachings will be held in English by different experienced leaders.

Sign up now below!


Dr. Khaled Leon

RUN team coordinator, Egypt

Khaled is involved in the prayer ministry, is IPC (International Prayer Connect) board member and organizes the ``Trumpet call`` - apostolic&prophetic gatherings in Egypt.

He works as a consultant cardiologist in Cairo, is married and father of three children.

He has a special passion to help to build and empower prayer altars and see them united with missions to be released under the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the great commission as well as train, disciple and father the youths - „Daniel Generation“.

Fadi Krikor

Fathers House for all Nations, Munich Germany

Fadi leads various national and international Christian networks and is the founder of “Father's House for all Nations”, a ministry based in the Altenhohenau monastery in Germany, which also carries out humanitarian and spiritual work in the Middle East.

In addition, Fadi is an entrepreneur in the international energy and infrastructure sector and acts as a consultant to think tanks, governments and religious leaders worldwide.

Milad Botros

From Egypt, living in Germany now

Milad is one of the founders and leaders of the RiseUp-Now organization. He is married to Tabea and has four children.

Milad has a heart for prayer and the prophetic encouraging of God‘s people all over the world and has been Co-leading prayer movement in Egypt for years.

Through His strong teaching skills, he empowers others in the knowledge of the Word of God and is involved in discipleship trainings of the youth in Egypt and Middle East. He has a crucial role in mentoring leaders in local church and beyond.

David Vandeput

President of the Federal Synod of Protestant and Evangelical Churches of Belgium

David is married to Myriam since 1986. They oversee a network of 130 churches called “Antioch Network”. Their passion is the Church and since 2022 David is the General Secretary of the Federal Synod of Protestant and Evangelical churches in Belgium.

Joachim Fontaine

Pastor & Coach, visionary leader of ExponenCiel International

Joachim and his wife established a campus of the Boom church in Cagnes sur Mer (French Riviera, France). He is part of the church's global leadership team responsible for hospitality, integration, care, training, and personal development.

As Director for Europe, Middle East and Maghreb for the DCPI Academy he involved in online training, coaching and mentoring program for church planters.

His passion is to accompany individuals and churches to flourish, be equipped, and be sent out to shine, reflect the glory and power of God.


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