Prayer Conference

It is a very serious time and you need to take your responsibility in praying for Europe.
Join us in Frankfurt 12-14th June 2025.

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Daniel School - for young adults

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Is to see national European believers and immigrant believers within their host country, together, proclaim God’s ownership of each European nation they live in.


About us

'RiseUp-Now!' is a prayer movement made up of a body of people with the same heart and vision developed and led by a group of international believers. It was started in response to a call from the Lord in June 2014 that 'this is the time for restoration in Europe; this is the time for Arabs and Europeans to get together to seek My face for Europe'. Those involved are unified together through Christ and in their desire to be a voice in Europe ‘preparing the way for the Lord’ (Isaiah 40:3), bridging the cultural gap between the host nationals and the immigrants seeking new life, survival or their European dream. ‘RiseUp-Now!’ seeks to equip and empower believers from both backgrounds, working together to become a blessing to each other in Europe. As Isaiah proclaimed we desire to be a voice for the King ‘preparing the way’, ‘bringing tidings of good news’, lifting up their voice with a shout’ and bringing ‘comfort’ to the people (Isaiah 40).
For further information, please go to vision page to read more.


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